
My Home Design Personality

Blogwalking ke Inaku, terkena panah beracun. Langsung meluncur ke Stylescope, mencoba-coba meramal desain rumah yang cocok dengan kepribadian kita. 

Dan hasilnya adalah aku termasuk golongan SASSY  and a touch URBAN FUNK

Seperti apakah sassy & urban funk itu?

Sassy itu seperti ini :

Sassy is just that! She couldn't be short on personality if she tried. She expresses herself with playful colors, fun patterns, and an unabashed boldness—all acquired at very savvy prices. She knows her style, and she's not afraid to take risks and have fun. When you visit a Sassy friend, you can't help but smile.

Contohnya kalo diaplikasikan ke interior seperti ini kira-kira :

Ya weslah cocok. Aku sukanya sama warna-warna yang mencolok mata trus tabrak sana sini. Norak-norak lucu gitulah..

Kalau urban funk seperti gini ternyata :

Tadinya aku mikir-mikir urban funk iki opoooo... trus dikasih tau contoh penerapannya di interior kayak begini :

Urban Funk has undeniable funk and soul. She's at home in a place where industrial meets comfort, where over-the-top meets laid-back chill, and where retro art meets graphic simplicity. And she does all this in a way that feels totally effortless.

Lha! yang kayak gini malah cocok banget buat aku.
Rasanya yang pas sama kepribadian sebenernya urban funk with a touch of sassy hehehe..

Kalo kalian termasuk tipe yang mana?


Ms Mushroom said...

mau coba aaah :D

Anonymous said...

km termasuk tipe yg mana fen?